Monday, January 26, 2009

Today is another day

Well, I have to say, even though I hurt, I feel better today. I over did it a little yesterday, but I felt like I actually did something. I'm so tired of sitting around. I need to take it a little easier, but at the same time, Mark's at work, so I'm on my own with my little ones. It's hard, but I'm confident that as I feel better, it will get easier for me. I did load the dishwasher partially yesterday, I washed my bathroom counter and organized it, folded 2 loads of laundry, and washed my 2 littlest one's hair. It doesn't sound like much, but for me it was quite an accomplishment. It was definitely a little too much for one day, just one week post-op, but at the same time it felt good to do something. I need to slow down and rest a little today to make up for it. I go to my post-op appointment on Thursday, and I'm hoping that the Dr. will release me to drive. I don't really want to try to venture out with a bunch of kids, but it will at least make me feel a little bit better to be able to get in my van and go somewhere in case of an emergency.

Ugh, my mother (who is mentally ill in my opinion and was diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder), is driving me crazy this morning. I simply asked her if she would be willing to take Cheyanne to the bus this morning, because it's too far for me to walk, and I am not released to drive yet. First she told me she was going to have to "check her schedule", which is ludacris as she has no JOB, and has no FRIENDS. So what the heck does she have on her "schedule"? Now she's called me already this morning to pick a fight with me about my mother in law. I know she doesn't like my mother in law, but geesh. What does that have to do with me?!? My mother and my mother in law got in an argument on Monday, the day I came home from the hospital, and my mother has completely shunned me because of that argument. In that argument, I did not say one word. I went outside to get Mark to deal with the problem because I'd only been home from the hospital for maybe, and I mean MAYBE 30 minutes. Now mind you, I've had surgery, and people I barely know have been bringing meals, and coming to help me clean, and many other things, but what has my mother done? Not talked to me in a WEEK! Geesh. So I ask her to do ONE thing for me. Just one. Something simple I might add, that only takes a couple of minutes, and this is what I get. This is the sort of thing, that happens on a regular basis, I want to get away from. I don't need this. I don't need this at all, and nor do my children or my husband! What the heck did I do to deserve a family like this. I honestly don't want anything to do with her, or my siblings, who have developed to be very much like her! I really can't wait to get out of here. Honestly, above all else, SHE is the reason I want to move so badly. I just hope she doesn't follow me back to Washington like she did when we moved down here. The good news is, while we're living at my inlaw's house, we'll be in the country 8 miles from town, so it's not like she can move in next door, as she now lives 6 doors down from me in the park we live in. Yuck. Today is shaping up to be a cruddy day in dealing with my mother. It's worse than dealing with an obnoxious child that isn't yours and a dog that isn't potty trained all rolled into one.

1 comment:

Rebeca said...

I hope the day turns out better than you'd hoped! I'm glad you're healing. Try not to overdo it! Rebeca