Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just one of those days

I'm feeling frustrated and stressed out today. The kids keep fighting and arguing, they aren't listening to me, I'm frustrated at myself because I need to and want to do more housework and stuff, but I just can't. I'm so tired of sitting around and laying on the couch. I'm perpetually behind on nearly all of my housework, I need to go grocery shopping, but I can't, Mark's at work and won't be home until 7 ish tonight, my daughters need baths, and I can't do it all!!! Grrrr. I really wish my family was more help on days like this. It's so hard to see what needs to be done just sitting there undone. It's not like my house it trashed, but it's not clean. The table needs washed, and so do the counters, the floors need swept and mopped..... ugh, the list just goes on and on. I'm sure that my frustration is adding to the problem with the kids, but I'm really feeling overwhelmed today. I don't know what to do with myself. I can't go take a walk, I can't go soak in the tub for 2 reasons.... the incision and nobody to keep an eye on the kids. *sigh* I think I just need to get out of the house or something. I've been cooped up for almost 2 weeks, and I've got cabin fever I think. I can't think of any GOOD way to relieve my stress right now. I really can't wait until I'm all healed and back on track. I feel a little better every day, so there is hope, but I'm being impatient and want to be all mended NOW! LOL. I'm told patience is a virtue, but I assure you, it's not one of mine.

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