Saturday, May 30, 2009


Yeah, so I've got alot going on in my life right now. We're pretty much broke, and running out of meat. I've treid so many churches, and Catholic Community services, and every other place I can think of and eihter they only take care of their own members, or they just don't have anything available because of the demand, so here we are. We still have some meat, but not for long. I'm trying to put this in God's hands, but I'm still running scared and not sure what to do. Anyway, enough of that.

I'm struggling with this homeschool group that we are part of. It's causing me to stumble. The people that are usually so kind, have been rather mean and at times just down right vicious. I really need support right now, but I feel like I can't ask for support right now with all that's going on with them. I'm still praying about what to do, but I'm feeling like I'm being led by God to do something else, so that I don't stumble in my homeschooling ventures. This is still new territory for me, so I need more support.

I'm having my surgery on June 9th at 1:30 pm at McKenzie Willamette Hospital. I have to check in at 11:00 am. I'm scared to have surgery again. The last one, while much more invasive was most unpleasant, and I'm not looking forward to being down again. It's going to be hard, because I don't have help with the kids, and housework, homeschooling, or cooking. I feel like I'm a lone ranger out here in the world with no friends or family to help me. It's an uneasy feeling. It would be wonderful if anyone reading this blog would help me maybe with a meal, or even send me a get well card, just to make me feel like I'm not alone, and that I am cared for.

I've made the decision that we will homeschool 2 days a week throughout the summer. I don't want the kids to lose any of their learning, and I have hopes that if we continually homeschool, more in the fall, winter and spring, and 2 days a week trhough the summer that we could finish grade levels a little quicker than otherwise we would be able to. Just a thought though. I don't want to put too much pressure on them, or myself. I still have yet to notify the school district of my intent to homeschool. I'll have to do that pretty soon I think.

I've started line drying my clothing on the nice days to try to save on costs of using the electric dryer. I hope that when we get our electricity bill, there will be a big difference. I feel good about doing though, because it's so nice having that sweet air smell on the clothes. It's nice feeling like I'm doing something in an old fashioned way too. I don't know how to put into words the feelings. It's like I'm doing something in my own way that is very beneficial in many way.

Ok, I've got some laundry to do, and a kitchen to clean today, so I'll be back here on another day.


Sheri said...

You are not alone. I am always a phone call away. I am praying for you through all of this.

xxxx (hugs)

the happy yapper said...

Oh, Christi!! You have my phone number...lemme know how I can help. I can bring you a dinner and/or help with something next week. I'll be in touch....

charisse said...

I'm sorry, I don't know what's been going on with the homeschooling group because I pretty much am not part of it any more. I have my oldest in Home Source and in many activities that the homeschooling group is not what I need anymore. I found there weren't many things I could attend with my religion, and I don't think the same as they do , not much in common. I found out my days seem better when I'm not reading all that JUNK that's going on with the home schooling groups. I just haven't written saying, that I got to much going on and won't be doing anything this year yet. I don't know you and you don't know me, but I see a determined mommy and will DO anything for her children. You are a SUPER MOMMY and stay strong.

Joy said...

I think of you often.

I love you, sis!

I'm rootin' for you!!!
