Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Trying to manage

Well, lets see....... Ok, I know where I'm at in my journey. Well, we're still trying to get the medications dosages adjusted for me. Everyone is different and reacts to medications differently, so my doctor and I are working together for an individual plan that's just right for me. I take 900 mg Gabapentin 3x daily, 1000 mg Robaxin 2x daily, Ibuprofen every 6 hrs, Amitriptyline 20 mg 2hrs before bed and 10 mg at betdime, and 500-1000mg vicodin as needed for pain.

I'm still achey every single day of my life. I'm exhausted too. My memory and thought process have been dimishing for several years now, but they're currently getting worse. I believe that this is referred to as "fibro-fog". LOL, honestly, I thought it was from when I was a teenager. As a stupid teenager, I smoked pot a handful of times with my friends, and I thought that it screwed me up for the rest of my life. Now I've got a name for it and I didn't screw myself up, so that's a relief.

Some days are better than others. On the good days I can go to the grocery store, clean the kitchen, do the laundry. If I do too much though, I pay for it the next day by having a bad day. For example yesterday I felt good. I cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom, including mopping the floor, I did 4 loads of laundry, cooked a big meal, gave all 3 of my girls a bath, and cleaned up from dinner. I over did it. I could have just done a portion and did the rest the next day, but I decided that since I felt ok, I was just gonna go for it. Bad idea. Now I sit here slowly typing because my kneck and shoulders are all tight and knotted up. The tension is going to give me a headache later, but right now it's shooting pains down my arm, particularly on my right side. That's what I get for over doing it. Oh well, though. I'm still learning. I'm sure I'll over do it more, but I hope that I do it less LOL.

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